Quantagene q225 real-time PCR system - q225
Brand: KUBO
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Quantagene q225 real-time PCR system SKU:q225 A set of machine
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About q225

- Quantagene q225 real-time PCR system delivers extraordinary performances with the innovative and precise design, providing reliable quantitative results as well as exceptional convenience for all real-time PCR researchers.

- The specifically designed thermal cycling and optical system allows both dramatically reduced run time and enhanced accuracy. The unique mini 96-well plates save precious reagents and samples while still remaining satisfactory throughput. The intuitive, user-friendly software interface facilitates quick set up for both novice and experienced real-time PCR researchers. Long-lasting LEDs and robust optical design free users from frequent maintenance and calibration, enabling better concentration on the research.

- Quantagene q225 offers the power and capabilities of large real-time PCR instruments in an ultra-compact footprint with highly economical price. Remarkable performance, refreshing experience.